1-70 Freedom of Information Act
Chatham Area Public Library is committed to providing citizens and taxpayers access to applicable public records under the Freedom of Information Act.
A brief description of our public body is as follows:
- Our purpose is to provide materials and services for the recreational, social, informational, and educational needs of the community.
- An organizational chart is available to view at the Library, and on our website. Our elected board of trustees are: Michael Roubitchek, Christine Westerlund, John Moore, Vanessa Ross, Jenny Vaughn, Rodd Whelpley and Dianne Roberts.
- The total amount of our operating budget for FY 2024-25 is $1,525,637. Funding sources are property taxes, state and federal grants, fees, charges, and donations. Current year tax levy for the library is $1,284,633.24. Current year tax rate is 0.2594.
- The office is located at 600 East Spruce Street, Chatham, IL 62629.
- We have approximately the following number of persons employed:
- Full-time: 8
- Part-time: 24
- Control over our policies and procedures is exercised by the Chatham Area Public Library Board of Trustees which meets monthly on the third Monday, at 7:00 PM, in the Conference Room of the Chatham Area Public Library.
- The Library is required to report and to be answerable for library operations to the Illinois State Library, Springfield, Illinois. Its members are State Librarian, Alexi Giannoulias (Secretary of State); Director of State Library, Greg McCormick; and various other staff.
- You may request the information and the records available to the public in the following manner:
- Use request form. (see attached)
- Your request form should be directed to Amy Byers, Library Director.
- To reimburse us our actual costs for reproducing and certifying (if requested) the records, you will be charged the following fees:
- There is a $1.00 charge for each certification of records.
- There is no charge for the first fifty (50) pages of black and white text either letter or legal size;
- There is a $.15 per page charge for copied records in excess of 50 pages; The actual cost of copying color copies and other sized copies will be charged.
- Certain types of information maintained by us are exempt from inspection and copying. However, the following types or categories of records are maintained under our control:
- Monthly Financial Statements
- Monthly Receipts and Disbursement Reports
- Operating Budgets
- Annual audits
- Minutes of the Board of Trustees, Committees
- Library Policies, including Materials Selection
- Adopted Ordinances and Resolutions of the Board
- Monthly and Annual Statistical Reports